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    Recursos Traductor I was brought up by my grandmother.

I was brought up by my grandmother.

Resultado de la traducción
Fui criado por mi abuela. I was brought up by my grandmother.

be verbo

1. have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Conjugación completa.

bring verbo

1. take something or somebody with oneself somewhere.

As we went to the beach, I decided to bring my favorite book to read under the shade. Mientras íbamos a la playa, decidí traer mi libro favorito para leer bajo la sombra.

2. cause to come into a particular state or condition.

The cold weather will bring frost to the crops, threatening their yield. El clima frío hará que la helada llegue a los cultivos, poniendo en peligro su cosecha.

3. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence.

The company's financial struggles will bring them to the brink of bankruptcy if they don't receive an influx of new investors. Las dificultades financieras de la empresa los llevarán al borde del concurso si no reciben un aflujo de nuevos inversores.

4. go or come after and bring or take back.

After finishing her project, Sarah will bring all the files to her manager's office for review. Después de acabar su proyecto, Sarah llevará todos los archivos a la oficina de su jefe para revisión.

5. bring into a different state.

The new policy will bring about significant changes to the company's operations, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings. La nueva política llevará a cambios significativos en las operaciones de la empresa, lo que dará como resultado una mayor eficiencia y ahorros en costos.

6. be accompanied by.

The new employee was brought to the meeting by her manager, where she introduced herself to the team. El nuevo empleado fue llevado a la reunión por su jefe, donde se presentó ella al equipo.

7. advance or set forth in court.

The prosecution will bring its case against the defendant on Monday morning. La fiscalía presentará su caso contra el acusado el lunes por la mañana.

8. bestow a quality on.

The artist's brushstrokes bring a sense of elegance to the canvas, elevating the entire piece to new heights. El pincel del artista trae un sentido de elegancia al lienzo, elevando la pieza entera a nuevas alturas.

9. be sold for a certain price.

The new smartphone is expected to bring in $800 per unit on its first day of sales. El nuevo smartphone se espera que genere $800 por unidad en su primer día de ventas.

10. attract the attention of.

The flashy new sports car brought all eyes to the street, drawing in a crowd of admiring onlookers. El coche deportivo nuevo y llamativo atrajo todos los ojos a la calle, atraído a una multitud de espectadores admirados.

11. induce or persuade.

The persuasive speech managed to bring many people around to her point of view, convincing them to support her cause. El discurso persuasivo logró convencer a muchos personas de su punto de vista, convirtiéndolas en partidarias de su causa.


I bring.
You bring.
He/She/It brings.
We bring.
You bring.
They bring.
Conjugación completa.

grandmother sustantivo

1. the mother of your father or mother.